Website Cleanup

Website Hack / Malware Cleanup

Has your website recently been hacked? Is your website listed as containing malware on Google searches?

First things first:  STAY CALM!

Everyday, thousands of websites are exploited and in turned hacked.  Website hacks can result in many problems for a business, ranging from pr damage to spreading malware and so on. If your website has been hacked, we recommended cleaning it up quickly to reduce the risks of the website being labeled as malicious and or blacklisted search engines and antivirus products.

When dealing with a website hack, as the website owner, you’re likely experiencing an undue amount of tension and stress. It’s can feel like the most vulnerable you have found yourself since being on line and it’s contrary to what every one told you, “Hey, WordPress is easy to maintain and use.”

The good news is that all is not lost! Yes, you’re website will have some downtime and yes, you might take a hit against your company brand. The main thing is, you will recover from this along with your brands reputation.

We are here to help.  If you need a solution to your recent website hack, please feel free to contact us today via email on or give us a call on +35316877185.  Being a website issue, we can deploy our website cleanup service, worldwide, from our offices in Dublin, Ireland.

Once the website is cleaned up and back to normal, we recommended adding an extra layer of security against website hacks.  We highly recommend using the services provided by WordFence and Sucuri when running WordPress based websites.